Describe Rostov’s stages of economic growth?

Describe Rostov’s stages of economic growth?

Rostov divided economic growth process into five stages

The traditional stage

  • Dominated by the subsistence sector with limited levels of exchange.
  • Primitive technology,
  • Agricultural sector engaging in majority of labour force.
  • Low labour of production and productivity.
  • Limited degree of specialization and exchange
  • Work is done in groups (communal society)
  • Limited degree of industrialization
  • Limited influence of foreign resource force

Transitional or pre-condition for take-off stage

  • There are radical changes in agriculture, industry, infrastructure, foreign trade etc.
  • Change in attitude from traditionalism to modernity, science and technology
  • Diversification in economy where wide ranges of goods and services produced.
  • Increased exploitation of the available natural resource potential.
  • Economic transformation. There is remarkable increase in investment (up to 5% of national income)
  • More foreign capital resources are increased.
  • Better and efficient technologies emerge
  • Changes in political systems e.g. society moves from traditionalism, chiefdoms and colonialism to political independence.

Take-off stage

  • The economy experiences a substantial reduction in foreign aid dependence
  • The rate of investment of national income increases from 5% to 10%.
  • Both domestic and foreign market are likely to expand
  • Increase in the real output per capita is likely to occur.
  • The economy experiences the development of new technology in the social, institutional and political systems
  • There is high growth and development of towns.
  • There is increased investment in social capital
  • The economy tends to move towards self-sustenance, though this can take place for at least 20 – 30 years
  • Significant sectors of the economy start showing up or emerge.
  • There is breakthrough in the vicious circle of poverty

Drive to maturity stage

  • Modern and efficient technology is used in production process of economy.
  • Use of more professional labour force e.g. accountants, consultants, etc.
  • Increase level of research and innovation
  • The rate of investment as proportion of national income increases from 10% to 20%.
  • The rate of industrialization increases significantly.
  • The vicious cycle of poverty is completely broken
  • There is some equitable distribution of income among the majority of individuals in society.
  • The rate of output society.
  • The rate of output increases in the new leading sectors.
  • High and increasing levels of exports
  • The economy tends to reduce on the level of importation.

High mass consumption

  • There is high level of technological maturity in all sectors
  • The figure of the GDP are very high
  • Favourable balance of payment positions
  • High levels of consumption of goods and services especially durable luxury items
  • Full utilization of the resource potential
  • The economy becomes fully developed in almost all sectors.
  • Good terms of trade
  • Automation and computerization in most production sectors.
  • High standards of living e.g. countries like Japan, USA, Britain, France, Italy, etc. have attained this stage.
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