Describe the characteristics of the open and closed circulatory systems

  • Both systems have a circulatory fluid, the blood which flows in a particular direction together with its dissolved and suspended materials.
  • Both systems have a contractile, pumping device, the heart, to propel the blood around the body in a given direction.

In open circulatory systems;

  • Blood flows freely within the body cavity (haemocoel) or in sinuses located within organs and therefore bathes the body tissues.
  • Blood flows slowly and at a low pressure throughout the system
  • Blood has no respiratory pigment
  • There little control and regulation of flow and distribution

In closed circulatory systems;

  • Blood is confined to blood vessels through which it flows throughout its movement in the body and never comes in direct contact with the body tissues.
  • Have valves to prevent backflow of the blood.
  • The blood has a respiratory pigment that transports respiratory gases.
  • Blood flows at a higher speed and higher pressure.
  • There is muscular pump
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