Describe the characteristics of tropical rain forests.
Tropical rain forests are the natural forests within the tropics. They can be classified into Mangrove, Riverine, Montane and Tropical low land forests.
Characteristics of tropical rain forests
- Trees are tall up to a height of 60m and above due to competition for sun light.
- Trees have/ are of hard wood nature/ species e.g. mvule, musizi, Mahogany, Teak, Rose wood, Red heart, Iron wood etc. due to long gestation period.
- Trees are ever green, shading off leaves at different intervals throughout the year because of constant supply of rainfall hence continuous growth.
- Trees form a dense canopy which is usually in three layers /tiers i.e. the bottom layer, middle and top layers due to growth of trees at different intervals or age and sprawl to form canopies.
- Tropical rain forests have little or no under growth due to thick canopies which prevent sunlight from reaching the ground.
- Trees have broad leaves that allow evaporation to get rid of excess water.
- There are a variety of tree species i.e. trees grow in mixed stands, growing abundantly due to ample water supply e.g. palms, mvule, Mahogany etc.
- There are numerous climbing trees like Lianas, epiphytes etc. that get support from the tall and huge trees. Trees have along gestation period/take long to mature i.e. 60 years and above due to their great height and the size.
- Trees have straight and big trunks due to ample supply of water.
- Most trees have buttress roots that give support to the tall and huge trees etc.
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science