Describe the mechanism which limit inbreeding in plant

Describe the mechanism which limit inbreeding in plant

Means employed by plants to limit self-fertilization in plants

  • Dichogamy: anthers mature and stigma become receptive at different times
    • Protandry: anther mature before the stigma
    • Protogyny: stigma mature before the anther
  • Self-incompatibility: the pollen grain fails to develop on the stigma of the same flower.
  • Special floral structure: most hermaphrodite flowers have structural features that favour cross pollination; e.g. stigma may be above the anthers thus removing the possibility of pollen falling on the stigma of the same flower. Other have nectar and good scent to attract pollinator.
  • Inflorescence: having many flowers in close proximity on the same stalk favours cross pollination.
  • Some plants have monoecious flower, i.e. separate male and female flowers on the same plant. e.g. maize and coconut.
  • Some plants are dioecious, separate male and female flower of different plants.

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