Describe the process of fertilization in higher plants

Describe the process of fertilization in higher plants

Describe the process of fertilization in higher plants

 Fertilization is the fusion of male and female to produce a zygote

  •    In higher plants, the male gamete is the pollen grain produced by anthers while the female gamete the ovum resides in embryo sac in the ovary where fertilization occurs
  • When a pollen grain lands on the receptive stigma, the pollen grain then absorbs the sugary fluid and increase in size and volume.
  • The exine burst open and the intine grows into a long narrow tube called the pollen tube.
  • The pollen tube nucleus occupies the position at the tip and controls it growth.
  • The generative nucleus again divides mitotically into 2 male nuclei.
  • On reaching the ovary the pollen tube enters, usually through the micropyle to the embryo.
  • One male nucleus fuses with egg cell to forma diploid zygote.
  • The second male nucleus fuse with both polar nuclei to form a triploid nucleus which give rise to endosperm.

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