Describe the structure and mode of action of the deflected magnetometer

Describe the structure and mode of action of the deflected magnetometer

Describe the structure and mode of action of the deflected magnetometer

It consists of a small compass needle (small magnet) which is pivoted on a vertical axis and carries alight aluminium pointer. The pointer can rotate over a circular scale.

The deflection magnetometer is used to compare two magnetic field flux densities, one being the horizontal component of the earth’s flux density BH.

The two fields i.e. BH and any other field to be compared are arranged at right angles to each other. The compass needle then sets itself at angle, θ, to its initial direction when it was in the field BH alone.

The needle now points in the direction of the resultant field of BH and B.

The angles of deflection θ1 and θ2 of the needle are measured.

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