Describe the structure of cartilages and bones.
Describe the structure of cartilages and bones.
Structure of cartilages
- Cartilages consist of a tough, transparent and homogenous matrix called chondrin formed of a special glycoprotein, chondromucoid.
- The matrix is secreted by chondrocytes enclosed in fluid filled spaces called Lucina
- Cartilages are bound externally by white fibrous connective tissue called perichondrium.
- Blood vessels are present in the perichondrium but not in the matrix.
Structure of bone
- The bone is made of a hard matrix and cells.
- The matrix of compact bone is made of collagen fibers together with inorganic substances such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorous. These components are arranged in concentric circles called lamellae, around an Haversian canal containing an artery, a vein, lymph vessel and nerve fibers.
- Bone cells or osteocytes are found in spaces in the lamellae known as lacunae and fine channels called canaliculi link lacunae.
- The system of lamellae around one Haversian canal is called an Haversian system.
- The bone is enclosed in a tough sheath called periosteum which contain blood and lymphatic vessels.
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