Describe with the aid of a diagram, an experiment to determine the specific heat capacity of a liquid using the continuous flow method.

Describe with the aid of a diagram, an experiment to determine the specific heat capacity of a liquid using the continuous flow method.

Describe with the aid of a diagram, an experiment to determine the specific heat capacity of a liquid using the continuous flow method.


  • A liquid is allowed to flow at constant rate
  • Power is switched on and the liquid is heated until temperatures registered by T1 and T2 are steady and the values θ1 and θ2 respectively are recorded.
  • The p.d V and current I are recorded from the voltmeter and ammeter respectively
  • The mass, m of a liquid collected in time t is recorded
  • At steady state; VIt = mc(θ2 – θ1) + h ………….. (i)

where h is heat lost to the surrounding

  • The rate of flow is changed and the voltage and current are adjusted until the steady readings of T1 and T2 are θ1 and θ2 respectively
  • If m1, V1 and I1 are the values mass of liquid collected in time t, voltmeter and ammeter readings respectively, then

              V1I1t = m1c(θ2 – θ1) + h ………….. (ii)

  •  Subtracting (ii) from (i)

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