Determinants of efficiency and productivity of labour
- The quality of education and training. The higher the level and quality of education and training, the higher the efficiency of labour and the lower the level and quality of education and training, the lower the efficiency of labour.
- The level of technology used. Use of modem production techniques increases labour efficiency but in case of poor production techniques, efficiency of labour decreases.
- The nature of the working conditions. Good working conditions and motivation of workers in form of higher wages, provision of lunch etc. increases the efficiency of labour while poor working conditions reduce the efficiency of labour.
- Availability and quality of the co-operant factors of production. Labour combines with other factors of production to make the production process complete. Presence of such factors like capital increases the efficiency of labour while absence of such factors reduces the efficiency of labour.
- The degree of specialization and division of labour. The higher the degree of specialization, the higher the efficiency of labour. This is because with division of labour, a right person is put in a right position. But the lower the level of specialization, the lower the efficiency of labour.
- The level of experience and seniority of the worker. Experienced workers are more efficient than workers who have less experience.
- The health and physical conditions of the worker. A worker who is healthy and in good physical conditions is more efficient than one who is sickly and physically handicapped.
- Prospects of promotion at the place of work. Workers with high hopes of being promoted at the place work are more efficient than those with less prospects of being promoted.
- Personal qualities (abilities) of the worker. Workers who are more innovative and hardworking at the place of work are more efficient than those who are lazy and less innovative.
- The strength and nature of the supervisory staff. In organizations where there is efficient supervision by the administration, the efficiency of workers is higher than in organizations where there is no serious supervision.
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science