Determinants of (factors influencing) capital accumulation

Determinants of (factors influencing) capital accumulation

  1. The level of savings; the higher  the  level  of  savings,  the  higher  the  level   of  capital accumulation on the other hand, the low rate of savings reduces the rate of capital accumulation.
  2. Level of technology; use of better methods of production like modem machinery increases the productivity of factors of production hence, capital accumulation. On the other hand, use of poor production techniques reduces the productivity of factors of production hence low capital accumulation.
  3. Government policy; favorable government policies like subsidization, tax holidays encourage investments and this increases the production of commodities hence capital accumulation. On the other hand unfavorable government policy like high taxes discourage investment hence law rate of capital accumulation.
  4. Level of development of social and economic infrastructure; for example banks, hospitals, micro finance institutions, roads schools, etc. Availability of such infrastructure which is well developed facilitates the production and investments hence capital accumulation. On the other hand, the presence of under developed and poor infrastructure discourages production and investment hence low rate of capital accumulation.
  5. Political stability;  a  politically  stable  country  encourages both  local  and  foreign   investors hence  capital accumulation but a politically unstable  country  discourages  investors hence-low rate of capital accumulation.
  6. Level of education; high level of education in form of skills and knowledge increases the productivity of labour hence capital accumulation. On the other hand, low level of education limits labour productivity hence low capital accumulation.
  7. Level of liquidity preference; this refers to the desire by individuals to hold their wealth in cash or near cash form other than investing it in alternative assets. The higher the level of liquidity preference, the lower  the rate  of  capital  accumulation  and  the  lower  the  level  of  liquidity preference the higher the rate of capital accumulation.
  8. Degree of availability of market; availability of both foreign and domestic markets encourages production and investments hence capital accumulation, But presence of inadequate markets limits the scale of production hence low capital accumulation.  “
  9. Level of economic stability; if the economy is stable, inform of stable commodity prices and interest rates, this encourages investment hence increased capital accumulation. On the other hand instability in form of inflation discourages investments hence low capital accumulation.
  10. Level of interest rate; high interest  rate  charged   on  loans  discourage    potential   borrowers    or investors   hence  low  capital   accumulation    and  low  interest   rate  charged   on  loans   encourage investors  hence  increased  capital  accumulation.
  11. Level of population growth rate; high population growth rates increase the dependence   burden which   reduces   the level   of savings.   This limits   the level   of investment    hence   low   capital accumulation.   But a low population   growth rate reduces the dependence   burden hence high level of capital accumulation.
  12. Degree of availability of entrepreneurs; the presence  of individuals   who  have  the  capacity   to generate  new  investments   and  who  are innovative   leads  to capital  accumulation    and  absence  of entrepreneurs   leads to low capital  accumulation.
  13. Income levels. Low incomes of people in Uganda lead to low investment levels in productive activities due to low capital accumulation
  14. high capital outflow in form of  profit repatriation and expatriate salaries leads to low capital accumulation
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