Development goals for developing countries (Uganda)
- To increase the availability and widen the distribution of basic needs of life such as shelter (Housing), food, water; healthcare, clothing, education and protection (security).
- To improve and raise the standards of living of the people. This is achieved through increased income generation and distribution, creation and provision of jobs, better education, improved health care and greater attention to cultural human values all of which can improve on the material wellbeing of the population.
- To reduce poverty and unemployment levels such that people can work and get enough income to improve on their living standards. This is achieved by promoting broad based and sustainable private sector led economic growth that is adequate to reduce poverty.
- To reduce income and wealth inequalities among individuals and regional imbalance in the country. This is done by increasing production and fair distribution of goods and services that are relevant to the needs and preferences of people.
- To improve on managerial and entrepreneurial skills and to build a strong man power base by equipping the local manpower with the necessary skills. This is aimed at increasing the productivity of labour in all sectors of the economy.
- To reduce on the illiteracy levels through the provision of minimum education through education for all programs.
- To improve and transform people’s attitude towards life. This is aimed at overcoming the problems of conservatism or traditional beliefs tinder which individuals are rooted into cultural beliefs and norms that hinder development.
- To improve on the social and economic infrastructure. For example energy, transport, medical, financial and educational infrastructure. This is aimed at facilitating the production of more quality goods.
- To enhance macroeconomic management and ensure accountability and transparence in institutions that influence production and resource allocation. That is, the private and public administrative structures should be improved to facilitate production of more quality goods and efficient service delivery.
- To expand local and external markets. This is aimed at encouraging production of goods and services through the utilization of the local resources hence economic growth and development.
- To achieve a technology and science driven economy. This is aimed at promoting investments, production of high quality output for exports and for the domestic market hence improving the welfare of the population.
- To achieve high levels of economic growth; through increased exploitation of local natural resources.
- To reduce on the severe balance of payment problems. This achieved through increased production of high quality goods and services for export (value addition) and reduction in the importation of goods from abroad
- To maintain foreign exchange stability and a competitive real exchange rate that supports export led growth.
- To maintain macroeconomic stability particularly price stability through the use of fiscal and monetary policies
- To maintain political stability through good governance based on democratic principles and justice.
- To transform the economy from the subsistence sector to a highly monetized economy. This is aimed at encouraging commercial production hence economic growth and development
- To promote environmental sustainability through the use of better environmental conservation practices like afforestation, use of scientific methods of production, soil conservation etc.
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science