Differences between monocotyledonous plants and dicotyledonous plants.
Monocotyledoneae | Dicotyledoneae |
Embryo has one cotyledon | Embryo has two cotyledons |
Narrow leaves with parallel venation | Broad leaves with net work veins |
Scattered vascular bundles in stem | Ring vascular bundles |
Rare cambium present and normally no secondary growth | Vascular cambium present which can lead to secondary growth |
Many xylem groups in root | Few xylem groups in root |
Flower parts in threes | Flower parts in fours or fives |
Calyx and corolla not usually distinguishable | Calyx and corolla are distinct. |
Often wind pollinated | Often insect pollinated |
e.g. maize and rice | e.g. bean |
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Dr. Bbosa Science
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