Disadvantages of high population growth

Disadvantages of high population growth

  • Increase government expenditure on infrastructure like schools and health care
  • Increased environmental degradation/pollution, garbage accumulation
  • It fuels income inequality since not all people will get access to natural and economic resources
  • It worsens unemployment in an economy
  • It leads to brain drainage because skilled labour is not well remunerated.
  • It worsens balance of payment because high populations tends to lead to high importation
  • It reduces the marginal propensity to save
  • It leads to high illiteracy rate due to lack of enough education facilities
  • Increased dependence burden from the young children
  • Causes political instability since majority of the people disgruntled for not gaining access to national resources.
  • Leads to starvation due to shortage of food
  • Disease outbreak
  • Leads to rural-urban migration
  • Water shortage
  • congestion
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