Discuss the role of foreign commercial banks in economic development of your country.

Discuss the role of foreign commercial banks in economic development of your country.

Positive roles

  • Provide employment opportunities to local people.
  • Provide training and skilling in the banking sector.
  • They are sources of government revenue through taxes
  • They create competitions and increase efficiency in the banking sector
  • Encourage foreign trade and relationships by providing credit
  • Encourage capital in flow and foreign investment.
  • Tend to increase the level of saving by mobilizing from rural and urban population
  • Introduce technology and innovations in the banking sector to compete with international banks in developed world
  • Encouraging Right Type of Industries by extending loans to right investments/persons
  • Fuller Utilization of Resources. Savings pooled by the banks are utilized to a greater extent for development purposes of various regions in the country. It ensures fuller utilization of resources.
  • Channelizing the Funds to Productive Investment. Banks invest the savings mobilized by them for productive purposes.
  • Creation of Credit. Banks create credit for the purpose of providing more funds for development projects

Negative roles

  • Most of their business activities are usually concentrated in urban areas with no significant benefits in rural areas
  • They are usually associated with foreign investor who are associated with excessive capital outflow
  • Low employment prospects due to their preference in foreign manpower or capital intensive technologies
  • High competitiveness suffocates indigenous banks
  • They tend to prefer large deposits
  • Lower the multiplier effect in the country since they repatriate their profits and incomes.
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