Effect of inflation in Uganda
Positive effects/advantages/merits of inflation in Uganda
- increased government revenue
- encourage/stimulates investment
- encourage entrepreneur skill
- promotes hard working
- increased level of industrialization/import substitution industrialization
- leads to increased labour supply
- increased utilization of idle resources
- debtor gain
- promotes commercialization/monetization economy
- encourages labour mobility
Negative effects/disadvantages/demerits of inflation in Uganda
- discourage saving
- discourage investment
- worsen balance of payment position
- promotes tax evasion/reduced government revenue
- promotes speculation
- reduce real income for low salary earner
- encourage production of low quality goods
- make planning difficult
- lead to loss of confidence in local currency
- promote social vices such as immorality/crime
- lead to brain drain
- encourages income inequality
- discourages lending as creditors (lenders) get less in real terms
- leads to unemployment as some firms close.
- Government becomes unpopular
- Low standards of living
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science