Examine the causes of agricultural price fluctuations in your country. 

Examine the causes of agricultural price fluctuations in your country. 

  • Perishability and difficulty of storage this forces farmers to sell at any available price e.g. tomato, cabbage
  • Bulkiness of products makes mobility of products to areas of high price difficult.
  • Long gestation period of agriculture products restricts supply when prices are high.
  • Fluctuations of yield. High yields leads to low prices and low yields lead to high prices
  • Low technology limits value addition to increase demand
  • Technological advancement in developed countries has promoted the raw material saving methods reducing demand for agricultural output.
  • Growing competition from synthetic substitutes
  • Agricultural products are used as mere inputs industrial products making absorption of excess supply leading to price instability.
  • The poorly planned production
  • Dependence on natural factors such climate for production that are not predictable
  • The price inelastic demand for agricultural products. a big change in price brings about a small change quantity demanded.
  • Weak bargaining position on world market; prices of agricultural products are dictated by importers in MDCs.
  • Lack access to market information
  • Speculations of demand
  • Change in the import-export policy;
  • Inflation
  • Seasonal nature of demand for certain products; such as flowers in celebration seasons.
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    Rean Ronic 8 months

    Thank you very much just know am very thankful