Examine the causes of unemployment in your country
- Technological progress and increased use of capital intensive methods such as computers replace labour force and lead to unemployment
- Changes in season: seasonal variations in economic activities cause seasonal unemployment for example in agriculture during dry seasons.
- Poor land tenure system; land lord’s system leaves some land idle leaving the landless unemployed in agriculture
- Changes in taste/market/demand may cause reduction in investment reducing demand for labour hence Keynesian unemployment.
- Lack of skills, many Uganda do not obtain practical education leading to unemployed job seekers
- Rural-urban migration; many people who abandon agriculture to urban areas fail to get jobs due to limited opportunities
- High population growth rate has caused land shortage for agriculture leading to unemployment in rural areas
- Poor/negative attitudes towards work. Highly educated people despise some jobs like agriculture and opt to remain unemployed
- Discrimination in the labour market. Sometimes jobs are given to people affiliated political party, sex, tribe leaving the rest unemployed.
- IMF conditions such as retrenchment cause unemployment.
- Physical and mental incapacitations lead to unemployment
- Low investment and failure to create more jobs.
- Ignorance about job opportunities; limited knowledge about availability of jobs leads to unemployment.
- Under developed infrastructures such as poor transport network limits labour mobility and also hinder productive venture that would create jobs.
- Frictional unemployment during when people are changing.
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science