Examine the effects of inflation on the economy of your country
Inflation is defined as a “general upward price movement of goods and services in an economy.”
Positive effects of inflation
- It stimulates people’s efforts. People tend to work harder during inflation so as to maintain their material wellbeing
- It leads to increased production. Production is more profitable during times of inflation because of high prices
- Government revenue from taxes increases because of high income. Hence the government is able to finance projects.
- Full utilization of resource to increase production. Including redundant resources such as clay for pottery and scrap for iron and steel production.
- Entrepreneurship is stimulated. Due to high level of profit
- Inflation leads to fair distribution of incomes and wealth. People holding stock and shares of companies which do not carry fixed rate of interest tend to gain during inflationary situation.
- Rural urban migration is discouraged. Due to high cost of living in towns
- It results into industrialization. Due to high profits.
- Boosts Real Estate, Energy, Value Stocks since landlords can protect themselves against inflation by raising rents, even as inflation erodes the real cost of fixed-rate mortgages.
- Stimulates labour mobility and labour efficiency
Negative effects of inflation
- During inflation money losses value; thus creditors lose in terms of real value while debtors gain
- It leads to income inequality. This because fixed income earner receive less and lose in real term while business people gain in price increases.
- Reduces purchasing power
- Hurts the Poor Disproportionately. Lower-income consumers tend to spend a higher proportion of their income overall and on necessities than those with higher incomes, and so have less of a cushion against the loss of purchasing power inherent in inflation.
- Leads raising bank interest rates
- It worsens the government’s budget deficits. During inflation governments revises its plans and contracts which is quite expensive.
- It leads to rural-urban migration since people tend to leave less paying jobs like agriculture and run for urban jobs.
- It discourages people from keeping money in the bank and at home and prefer keeping money in real assets.
- It worsens a country’s balance of payment position because countries do not like to import from countries experiencing inflation.
- Inflation requires a country to carry out devaluation from time to time which makes imports expensive leading to import inflation.
- Inflation discourages investment.
- It worsens the value of local currency. People therefore prefer to hold money in form of foreign currency.
- Inflation encourages speculation and speculation leads to hoarding of essential commodities. This worsen people’s standards of living.
- It leads to political anarchy because people resent regime in power.
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science