Examine the policies adopted to curb inflation in your country.
Uganda has adopted the following policies to curb inflation
- Limited government expenditure. By introducing cost sharing in healthy and education; hence controlling money supply in the country.
- Adoption of monetary policy. Like open market operations, selective credit control have helped to reduce money supply and hence controlling inflation.
- Tight fiscal policy; through progressive taxes to lower disposable income.
- Improvement of transport network; to facilitate movement of good and service and minimize scarcity conditions.
- Improvement of agricultural production; through land reforms and better production methods like use of better seed and extension of advisory service through National Agricultural Advisory Services(NAADS) to meet increasing demands
- Price controls policy; the government is trying to control maximum and minimum prices for essential goods.
- Encouragement of import to supplement local production
- Reduction of trade union influence; the government discourage trade unions from asking high wages to minimize the costs of production
- Discouragement of export of essential commodities such as sugar to curb scarcity
- Promotion of local industries to boost production
- Use of exchange rate policy boost capital inflow
- Adoption of privatization policy to boost efficiency and increase production
- Promotional of financial institution to avail credit to investors and boot production of goods and service.
- Promotion of political stability to encourage investment in the country
- Encouragement of investment through investment incentives to potential investor.
- Liberalization policy leading to increased production.
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science