Examine the role of foreign capital in the economic development of your country.

Examine the role of foreign capital in the economic development of your country.

Positive role of foreign capital

  • It increases the flow of capital stock which helpful in breaking the vicious circle of poverty.
  • It supplements domestic savings
  • It is a source of capital for financing social overheads (SOC) or infrastructure and directly improve agricultural sector or industry
  • In form of foreign investment, it is accompanied by inflow of skilled manpower and advanced technology that improves the quality of goods and services.
  • It reduces unemployment through job creation
  • It increases government revenues through taxes.
  • Foreigners invest in exports increasing foreign exchange incomes
  • Foreign investors encourage similar investments by local investors.
  • Foreign investors lend money to the government by buying securities
  • It increased cooperation among countries; the origin foreign investor and the receiving country.
  • Foreign investors increase aggregate demand for consumer goods and services such as telephone, water and electricity.
  • Foreign investors may give donation under privileged people such as disabled people.

The demerits of foreign capital

  • Foreigners repatriate their profits reducing further investments
  • Foreigners concentrate in urban areas leading to increased rural-urban gap
  • Foreign investors may not be easily controlled by the government.
  • Foreign investment use capital intensive production techniques leading to limited job creation.
  • There is limited implementation of economic programs as it has unfavorable strings attached.
  • It discourages domestic savings since government depend on the foreign capital
  • It increases the degree of dependence to foreign investment/countries
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