Examine the structure of industrial sector in your country/LDCs.
In Uganda;
- Most industries process primary products , a few engage in the manufacturing and assembling parts e.g. Spear motors and BATA shoe firms
- Most industries are concentrated in urban areas especially, Kampala, Jinja, Mbale, Mbarara etc.
- The size of the industrial sector in Uganda is small but fast growing at fast rate. The small scale industries are widely spread i.e. urban and rural based e.g. agriculture processing industries like maize mill and sugar juggleries.
- Most of the industries in Uganda are engaged in the processing of primary products although some participate in finished goods.
- Most of the small and medium scale industries are privately owned while large scale industries are owned by foreigners and/or government.
- Most of the industrial products are locally consumed and a few for export
- They provide employment to few skilled and unskilled manpower because of their small scale production and capital intensive technology.
- Most of the industries operate at excess capacity due to limited market of the products.
- Most industries depend on agriculture and mineral products and others such as pharmaceutical industries depend on imported raw materials.
- Most of small scale industries tend to be labour intensive while large scale industries tend to be capital intensive.
- It is mainly comprised of small scale industries. Most of the industries operate on a small scale. This is mainly due to limited capital which makes it difficult to expand the production activities. However, there are a few medium and large scale industries.
- The manufacturing industries mainly use imported raw materials in the production process with the exception of agro based industries which use the local raw materials.
- The industries are mainly imported substituting. That is they mainly produce commodities that were formerly imported in the country.
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science