Examples of external economies of scale

Examples of external economies of scale


  1. Transport external E.O.S. Firms in one  industry   can  share  transport   facilities   and  other  social infrastructure   which  results  into reduced  average  costs  of transportation to each  firm.
  2. Information external E.O.S.  Firms in one area can share   information collected from various sources e.g., information   concerning   market prices, new commodities on market, exchange   rates and information   concerning   other business opportunities.    Such collective   information   can help to reduce the average costs to each firm in the industry.
  3. Technical external E.O.S. Firms  in  one  area  can  share   specialized machinery and  technical personnel,   for  example   they  can  share  maintenance    facilities  like  workshops,    garages   etc.  This implies sharing costs hence reduced average costs for each firm.
  4. Financial external economies of scale. Firms  in one area can attract   financial   institutions    like banks, building   societies   advertising   agencies,   insurance   companies,    etc.  This  makes  it possible for  individual   firms  to  acquire   loans  at  lower  interest  rates  and  to  carry   out  other  activities  at reduced  charges  hence  reduced  average  costs to each  firm.
  5. Marketing external economies of scale. Firms under  one  industry   can  sell  commodities   and  buy raw  materials   collectively   in order  to  reduce   on  the  costs  and  even  enjoy   huge discounts     when buying.  In addition firms may form marketing   co-operatives   which can assist in the selling of their products as an industry.
  6. Specialization external E.O.S. Firms under one industry can enjoy reduced   average   costs when they specialize   in different   in the production   process e.g.  within  the  same  industry,   some  firms may  provide   raw  materials   used  by  other   firms   through   the  backward    and  forward   linkages making  each firm to operate  at lower  average  costs
  7. Welfare external economies of scale. Firms under one industry  can be able to establish   certain social infrastructures    like hospitals,   schools,   recreational   centers,   etc.  which   can  improve   on  the welfare  of their  workers.
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