Explain how plants have overcome the problem of nitrogen and phosphorous deficiencies in soils they grow in


  • Living in symbiotic relationship with organisms that are capable of producing such minerals. For example, association of leguminous plants with rhizobium bacteria in their root nodules helps them to obtain nitrogen because the bacteria fix nitrogen from the atmosphere into nitrates which can be used by the plants.
  • Adopting a parasitic mode of feeding so that such nutrients can be obtained from such plants that can easily obtain nutrients from deeper soil layers. This is the case with the epiphytes.
  • Developing deeper roots so that they can absorb these nutrients that have leached to deeper soil layer.
  • Adopting carnivorous behaviours in order to obtain such minerals from non-soil sources. For example, the pitcher plant, which is insectivorous, can obtain nitrogen and phosphorous from the small insects it traps.
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