Explain how the epithelial tissue is adapted for its function.

Explain how the epithelial tissue is adapted for its function.

Explain how the epithelial tissue is adapted for its function.

In this question structural modification of epithelial tissue to fit different functions are required

  • Epithelial tissues serve to protect underlying tissues from mechanical injury, desiccation and chemical injury
  • It has compact cells with tight junctions to form an impervious barrier. It is also made in several layers of cells impregnated with keratin in in some part of the body (skin) to increase strength of the cover.
  • As absorptive epithelia in the intestine, genital tract contains numerous villi or cilia to increase surface area for absorption.
  • Secretory epithelia are packed with secretory substances to secrete mucus or digestive enzyme.
  • Some epithelia are modified into exoskeleton structures such as nails, scales, hair, etc.
  • Epithelia lining alveoli (squamous epithelia) is thin and single celled to facilitate diffusion of gases.
  • Some epithelia have hairy structures that serve as sensory structures for example hair on skin, and in nose detect stimuli.
  • Epithelia tissue provide pigmentation to the body for example skin
  • Some epithelial tissue makes in-folding in the underlying surface to form channels or ducts which they secret their substance as glands
  • Transitional epithelial found in the renal pelvis, urinary bladder and parts of the urethra has a few layers of flattened cells which are mobile over one another to help in distension of the organ.
  • Stratified squamous epithelium is subjected to high forces of wear and tear and has a rapid dividing basal layer of cells that divides and replaces those that die and shed of daily.

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