Explain the conditions that have influenced the distribution of mangrove forests in East Africa 

Explain the conditions that have influenced the distribution of mangrove forests in East Africa 

Candidates are expected to identify areas in East Africa, with Mangrove forests/vegetation i.e. Areas along the coast of East Africa between 50Nand 50S of equator, around Mombasa, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanga, Lamu . the lower valleys of Rufigi and Ruvuma etc.

 The conditions include:

  • Heavy rainfall of over l 000mm, high humidity levels of over 80% and hot temperatures of 24°C- 30°C leads to the growth of luxuriant mangrove forest.
  • They grow in impervious clay soils, peat soils. Mud flat alluvial soils, deep saline/coral soil facilitate, luxuriant growth of mangrove forests.
  • Altitude. Found at low altitude of below 200m which is associated with high temperatures and heavy rain fall
  • Relief Found in coastal lowlands and broad valleys/creeks which favours accumulation of silt, mud, alluvial soils that support mangrove
  • Drainage. Mangrove forests grow in poorly drained/soggy/water-logged and saline water conditions.
  • Presence of barrier reefs/coral reefs along the coast that prevent the alluvial soils from being swept away by wave action.
  • Presence of low Tidal range of water that creates marshy conditions which favour the growth of mangrove forests.
  • Government policy. Governments have gazetted mangrove forests leading to their continuous existence (conservation).

However on the other hand, man is encroaching on the mangrove forests for extracting building materials/poles cultivation of water loving crops etc. hence reducing the area covered by these forests.

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