Explain the economic problems that result over dependence on agriculture. Suggest solutions to the problems

Explain the economic problems that result over dependence on agriculture. Suggest solutions to the problems

Problems faced

  • The agriculture sector yield low tax revenue since production is largely subsistence.
  • Agricultural output especially in LDCs is of lower quality this give them low competitive advantages
  • It leads to seasonal unemployment. In LDCs agricultural activities are seasonal mainly during rainy season and farmers are almost unemployed during dry seasons
  • Prices of agricultural output are never stable making it difficult to predict income and consumers expenditure
  • It required a big land which may not be available due to high population growth
  • It has to low marginal productivity. the level output per unit labour usually measured as output per man-hour  is very low
  • Inadequate storage facilities
  • It leads to limited level of industrialization. It tends to encourage concentration of agro-based industries instead of capital based industries that lead to fast industrialization
  • Its output is severely affected by season such as drought and floods.
  • It leads to economic dependence especially when a country continues importing most of the manufactured goods.
  • Low outputs
  • May lead to environment degradation
  • Minimum prices may lead to over supply
  • Tariffs on agriculture have led to lower income for food exporters in the developing world and have been a big stumbling block to trade.
  • Land fragmentation

Solutions to the above problems

  • Flexibility; farmers should be flexible to change from one agricultural system to another in response to market conditions
  • Industrialization through export promotion and import substitution
  • Improvement of infrastructure to ease marketing of agricultural output
  • Irrigation to limit effects of climatic changes
  • Individual farms subjected to certain risk should insure against it.
  • Diversification to increase income
  • Price stabilization. Government should stabilize prices through buffer stock and stabilization funds
  • Education and training to encourage and stimulate modern farming techniques
  • Research to produce high yield resistant crops and animals
  • Credit to enable expansion in agricultural  production
  • Barter trade can increase on market opportunities.
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