Explain the rationale for centralized planning in an economy

Explain the rationale for centralized planning in an economy

    • To minimize wastage of resources/efficient allocation of resources
    • To ensure proper co-ordination in sectoral development since the private sector is still weak.
    • To ensure equitable distribution of resources/to fight income inequality.
    • For proper sequencing of operations in the economy
    • To solve the problem of shortage of manpower of local/lower levels/district levels.
    • To protect national interests.
    • To ensure consistency of plans since centralized planning is done in line with the available resources.
    • To ensure proportionality and compatibility of plans.
    • For easy mobilization of resources.
    • To allow regional specialization and thus avoid duplication of development projects.
    • For political support.
    • To ensure economic stability e.g. price stability.
    • To solve unemployment problem.
    • To promote self- reliance.
    • To achieve a pre-determined rate of economic growth.
    • To identify areas suitable for public and private investment.
    • To relate present and future trends and targets
    • To reduce strain on the local people in terms of mobilization of resource

To correct deficiencies of price mechanism especially during situations of rapid structural changes.

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