Explain why price mechanisms may be interfered with

Explain why price mechanisms may be interfered with

  • Ignorance of customers. When consumers are ignorant about the goods and services they need to be protected from misleading advertisement.
  • Consumers may need to be protected from exploitation of monopolists.
  • Income inequality. If production is left to market price mechanism the poor may not receive basic goods and services
  • Future needs. Price mechanisms fail to project the future need which call for government planning
  • Profits can at time be a bad guide. Profits from charcoal can lead to over exploitation of forests.
  • Stability of prices. Price mechanisms may lead to excessive price fluctuations
  • Mismatch with structural changes. When there is a need for immediate structural transformation within economy, price mechanisms may be inadequate since they fail to allocate resources to immediate required venture e.g. during the period of war.
  • Under price mechanism, inefficient firms are forced out of production leading to unemployment.
  • to control inflation that may result from price mechanisms
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