Explain with the aid of a diagram, why a parabolic mirror is preferred to concave mirror as a car head lamp.

Explain with the aid of a diagram, why a parabolic mirror is preferred to concave mirror as a car head lamp.

Explain with the aid of a diagram, why a parabolic mirror is preferred to concave mirror as a car head lamp.

Parabolic mirrors form strong reflected parallel beam when the bulb is placed at the principal axis while the concave mirror reflects a dull spread reflected beam as illustrated by the diagral.

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    muhu 2 years

    thax alot

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    janegrace 12 months

    please give clear information.

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    Explain with the aid of a diagram, why a parabolic mirror is preferred to concave mirror as a car head lamp. – Digital Teachers Uganda
    dtqyhgke http://www.gq8cd11v2g1nlff91vh9314po8q4o950s.org/

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