Factors affecting the location of firms
- Availability of raw materials. In situations where the raw materials are bulky the firm finds it cheaper to be near the source of raw materials. For example the location of cement factory in Tororo was due to the presence of limestone rocks.
- Availability of power supply. Industries which require a lot of power are located near source of power, for example, industries manufacturing metal products like steel rolling mills. This explains why Jinja became the industrial town of Uganda due to the presence of hydroelectric power source.
- Availability of market. Industries or firms producing perishable commodities like flowers, bread etc. are located near the market to avoid their products from getting spoilt or damaged while in transit. In addition, industries producing fragile and bulky commodities like glass and bricks need to be located near market areas.
- Availability of transport facilities. There is need to locate a firm where transport is readily available and cheap .For example along railway lines, good road networks, water ways etc. This helps to minimize on the transport costs.
- Availability of water supply. Some firms require water as a raw material in the production process, for example, water is used as an input in the brewery industry and it can be used for waste disproval by many industries. Therefore, it is economical for some industries to be located near a water source.
- Availability of land. Land provides a site where a production unit can be established. Therefore it is economical for firms to be located in areas where land as available and cheap so as to provide room for industrial expansion.
- Availability of cheap labour. Firms are located in areas where labour is cheap and is in enough supply. This is true with firms which are labour intensive.
- Government policy. The government may be aiming at balanced regional development, employment creation, controlling rural urban migration which may force the government to locate a firm in a certain area.
- Political climate. The location of a firm is determined by political stability (security) of the area. This is because a politically stable area provides a conducive investment climate which attracts firms to be located in a certain area.
- Availability of economic infrastructure. For example banks, insurance companies, advertising companies etc. may force firms to concentrate in an area.
11. Availability of suitable climate. Firms are located in areas where the climate is generally favorable for their activities. For example it is not advisable to locate a paper industry in a swampy area.
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science