Factors that contributed to the delay of Kenya’s Independence
Several factors contributed to the delay of Kenya’s independence from British colonial rule:
1. British Colonial Policies:
- Divide and Rule: The British employed a divide-and-rule strategy, fostering divisions among different ethnic groups to weaken the nationalist movement.
- State of Emergency: The declaration of a state of emergency in 1952, particularly in response to the Mau Mau Uprising, led to harsh measures and the imprisonment of nationalist leaders.
2. Economic Exploitation:
- Land Alienation: The British expropriated fertile land from Africans, leading to economic hardship and poverty.
- Forced Labor: Africans were subjected to forced labor, which fueled resentment and resistance.
3. Political Repression:
- Banning of Political Parties: The Kenya African Union (KAU) was banned in 1953, and many nationalist leaders were arrested.
- Harsh Treatment: Nationalist leaders faced imprisonment and other forms of repression, which hindered the independence movement.
- Exclusion of Kenyans from legislative council: This Kept Kenyan politically ignorant.
4. Ethnic and Regional Divides:
- Disunity among Tribes: Ethnic and regional divisions made it challenging to unite the various groups under a common cause.
- British Favoritism: The British favored certain tribes over others, exacerbating tensions and divisions.
5. Economic Poverty:
- Lack of Resources: The economic poverty of Africans due to land dispossession and exploitation made it difficult to sustain prolonged resistance.
- Limited Infrastructure: Poor infrastructure hindered communication and mobilization efforts.
- 6. Illiteracy:
- High rate of illiteracy among Kenyans made difficult to understand and support nationalistic ideas. Thus, majority of African could not participate in active politics.
7. International Context:
- Cold War Dynamics: The global political climate, including the Cold War, influenced the British government’s stance on granting independence.
- International Support: Securing international support was crucial but challenging, as the nationalist movement had to navigate complex international relations.
Despite these challenges, the determination and resilience of Kenyan nationalists eventually led to the country’s independence on 12 December 1963.
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Dr. Bbosa Science
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