Factors that contributed to the success of French Revolution

Factors that contributed to the success of French Revolution

Questions to ponder

  1. Account for the success of 1789 French Revolution
  2. Discuss the factors for the success of the1789 French Revolution
  3. Examine the reasons for the triumph of the 1789 French Revolution

Factors that contributed to the success of the 1789 French Revolution

The success of the 1789 French Revolution can be attributed to several key factors:

  1. Economic Hardship: Widespread economic difficulties, including food shortages and high taxes, fuelled discontent among the common people.
  2. Social Inequality: The rigid social hierarchy and privileges of the nobility and clergy created widespread resentment among the lower classes.
  3. Enlightenment Ideas: The spread of Enlightenment ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity inspired revolutionary sentiments and demands for political change.
  4. Weak Monarchy: King Louis XVI’s indecisiveness and inability to address the country’s problems eroded his authority and credibility.
  5. Popular Uprisings: Events like the storming of the Bastille and the Women’s March on Versailles demonstrated the power of popular movements and the willingness of ordinary citizens to take direct action against the monarchy.
  6. Political Incompetence: The government’s failure to implement meaningful reforms and address the grievances of the people led to a loss of trust and support.
  7. External Influences: The success of the American Revolution provided a model and inspiration for the French revolutionaries.
  8. Support of the arm: for instance French guards located in Paris
  9. Disunity in the First and Second Estates weakened their position and facilitated the Revolution.
  10. The defeat of the coalition troops of Austria and Prussia. This defeat weakened the opposition and lead to success of the Revolution.
  11. Unity and determination of the revolutionaries. The unity of the peasants and middle class in assembling and fighting of the monarchy made to the success of the revolution.
  12. The big numbers of the unsatisfied people outnumbered those privileged few and were able to win the war.


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Dr. Bbosa Science

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