Factors to consider before establishing a dairy herd

Factors to consider before establishing a dairy herd

  1. Capital: This is the amount of money needed in the construction of farm structures, purchase of land and the animals.
  2. Land: There should be enough land to accommodate farm buildings and paddocks where animals can graze from
  3. Labor Both skilled and unskilled labor is required for performing specialized work and manual labor respectively.
  4. Reliable source of water: Water is needed by the animals for drinking and also in other farm operations like cleaning and mixing of drugs.
  5. There should be a ready market for milk and milk products which is easily accessible to reduce the costs incurred in looking for market.
  6. Pastures: The place in consideration should have good pastures since the production of the animals is greatly affected by the quality of what they eat.
  7. There must be reliable transport so that the farmer can easily move farm products to the market and bring back inputs.
  8. The breed selected should fit the market demand and the Climatical conditions of the place in consideration.
  9. Security is a very important factor for any business  since insecurity  results into loss of  property and life
  10. Government policy in place should be encouraging dairy farming through the provision of good breeds of cattle
  11. Climate in the area should be good for dairy farming.

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Dr. Bbosa Science

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