Factors which influence the localization   of firms

Factors which influence the localization   of firms

  1. Industrial inertia. This is the tendency of the existing firms to remain established in a given area even when the location factors are exhausted.
  2. Availability of ready market. The already established   firms  may  provide  market  for the incoming firms  and the new  firms may provide  raw materials   for the already  established   firms  and  therefore such firms may  decide  to localize  in one area.
  3. Power supply. Availability  of cheap and constant   power   supply may   lead to the concentration many firms in one area.
  4. Availability of enough land. When land is available and cheap, many firms concentrate in that area because of the existence of room for expansion.
  5. Availability of supply of skilled and unskilled labour. When labour is readily available,  and  in large  quantities,   many  firms  may  be established   in that area  hence  localization   .For concentration of many  firms  in Kampala.
  6. Security and political stability. Localization of firms  may be due  to constant  security  and political stability  which  attract  many  firms  in a particular   area.
  7. Availability of water supply. Water   is  needed   for  industrial    purposes    in  various    ways,   for example,   it is used  an input,  for  waste  disposal,  a cheap  means  of transport   etc.  This can attract firms to concentrate   in such an area so as to minimize on production   costs.
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