Features (characteristics) of the Informal Sector
- Business activities are not formally registered by registrar of companies.
- There is easy entry in business activities. Licenses either do not exist, are cheap or forged in the process of getting them.
- The sector mainly employs local resources in the production process.
- It mainly operates on a small scale with low output levels.
- There is limited or no book keeping in carrying out business activities
- It mainly employs labour intensive techniques the production.
- The business activities are mainly operated in semi-urban areas.
- The sector is dominated by semi-skilled and unskilled labour
- Production is mainly of low quality due to use of poor production techniques.
- Business activities are mainly operated in open space and semi-permanent structures.
- Production of goods and services is mainly for the local market.
- It mainly operates at excess capacity due to limited capital employed.
- On job training is common under the informal sector.
13. Businesses are basically organized on the basis of sole proprietorship employing a few family members.
TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science