Features (characteristics) of the Subsistence sector

Features (characteristics) of the Subsistence sector

  1. There is limited or no specialization and division of labour.
  2. There is use of back ward and out dated technology. For example use of hoes in the agriculture sector.
  3. Production is carried out on a very small scale with low output levels.
  4. The sector is mainly comprised of semi-skilled and unskilled labour in the production process.
  5. Production of low quality output due to use of poor production techniques.
  6. There is dependency on family labour in the production process.
  7. There is low labour productivity due to the use of poor techniques of production.
  8. The predominant system of exchange is through barter trade. That is exchange of goods for goods.
  9. There is absence of profit motive. Individuals simply produce for basic survival.
  10. There is high degree of conservatism. Production activities are greatly influenced by social attitudes and cultural beliefs.
  11. Land is the basic factor of production characterized by diminishing returns
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