Forms (Types) of dualism in Uganda

Forms (Types) of dualism in Uganda

  1. Intra-Sectoral Dualism. This refers   to the co- existence   of different   levels   of development within   the same sector.   For example the coexistence of modem   agriculture    and subsistence agriculture within the agricultural   sector
  2. Technological dualism.  This   refers   to the co-existence   the two contrasting techniques   of production   in the economy.   For example labour intensive   techniques   of production   co- existing side by side with the large scale capital intensive     techniques   of production.
  3. Trade Dualism.  This is the co- existence   of two methods   of exchange   in the economy.   For example the coexistence   of Barter system and monetary   system of exchange
  4. Economic (Financial) Dualism.   This   is the co- existence   of two financial   markets    in the economy.  For example the coexistence   of the informal and the formal financial markets
  5. Industrial Dualism. This   is the coexistence    of two   contrasting    types   of industries    in the economy.  For example the coexistence   of inefficient   small scale firms and efficient   large scale firms
  6. Regional Dualism. This   refers   to the   co-existence    of   two   regions   at different    levels   of development   in the economy.  For example the coexistence   of the rural and urban areas
  7. International Dualism. This refers   to the co-existence   of less developed   countries   and more developed countries.
  8. Cultural Dualism. This refers to the co- existence of two contradicting beliefs in the economy. For example the modem   western culture coexisting with the traditional culture

10. Social Dualism. This is the co- existence   of two contrasting   social economic   classes of people in the economy.  For  example  the  rich  coexisting  with  the poor,  the illiterate  coexisting   with  the illiterate

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