Foster mothering in animals

Foster mothering in animals

Foster mothering in animals is a method where a substitute mother is used in providing milk to the calves.  The calf is first allowed colostrum for three days then allocated to the foster mother.

Advantages of foster mothering

  1. The dam will give more milk when the calves are left to suckle it.
  2. The method gives good calves as compared with bucket feeding.
  3. The method uses less labor since supervision is little
  4. The calves are able to get the milk at the normal body temperatures
  5. There are fewer cases of calf scours
  6. Case of mastitis in cows is rare
  7. Milk from other dams can be saved for the market

Disadvantages of foster mothering

  1. In case of an infectious disease, a farmer may lose a good number of calves.
  2. Weak calves are denied a chance of suckling at most times by the strong aggressive calves.
  3. Injury to teats caused by the calves is more common
  4. It is very difficult to keep feeding records in this system.

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Dr. Bbosa Science

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