History paper 6 -Features of centralized societies in East Africa (1855-1914)
Centralized societies or states refer to those societies that had kings with political powers and the authority to run the economic, military and social affairs of their kingdoms.
Among centralized communities in East Africa included Karangwe in northern Tanganyika; Buganda, Bunyoro and Toro in Uganda; and the Sultanate of Zanzibar, located on the East African coast in with a sultan who held significant authority
Key Features:
- Centralized Authority: These societies had a central figure, such as a king or chief, who held significant political power and authority over the kingdom. For example, Kabaka of Buganda and Omukama of Bunyoro.
- Hierarchical Structure: The society was organized in a hierarchical manner, with the central authority at the top and various levels of administration below up to the village level.
- Ascendancy to power of the Kingdom was always hereditary. Usually, the first born was groomed in a special way to take succeed his father.
- Control Over Resources: The central authority had control over the distribution of resources, including land, water, and livestock.
- Military Organization: Centralized societies often had organized military forces to protect their territories and maintain order.
- Economic Management: The central authority managed economic activities, including trade, agriculture, fishing and taxation.
- Social Cohesion: These societies emphasized social cohesion and unity, often through shared cultural practices, rituals, and traditions.
- Legal System: A formal legal system was in place to enforce laws and resolve disputes.
- Manufacturing: Most kingdoms carried out manufacturing on small scale for example bark cloth production in Buganda, Bunyoro and Toro.
- Religion: Most kingdoms believed in traditional gods and their Kings were believed to be close to the gods and possessed divine powers to determine the success of the kingdom
In conclusion, before the colonialist centralization made these societies very stable politically, socially, and economically.
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