How a skeletal muscle differs from a smooth muscle

Skeletal muscle Smooth muscle
–          Cell are multi nucleated Each cell contain a singe nucleus
–          Many striations of alternating light and dark bands Not striated or faintly striated
–          Response rapid Response slow
–          Response is due to external stimulus Response is due to internal changes
–          Fatigue quickly Fatigue takes long time or may not fatigue at all
–          Short refraction period Long refraction period
–          Controlled by voluntary nervous system Controlled by autonomic nervous system
–          Every muscle cell is served by a motor nerve fibre ending in a motor end plate Served by general nerve network known as plexus
–          Cylindrical muscle cells Spindle shaped muscle cells
–          Longer and wider 1- 50mm long above 10mm diameter Shorter thinner 0.02-0.5mm long, 5-10mm diameter.
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