Limitations of the Accelerator   Principle

Limitations of the Accelerator   Principle

  1. Investments  in most cases are not always initiated by change in consumption only but also by increase in autonomous   government   expenditures.
  2. The principle   assumes existence of full employment of resources which is not always   the case. Due  to the  existence  of excess  capacity  in plants,  production   can be increased  by using  the idle resources  without  necessarily   increasing  investments.
  3. Due  to  limited  resources like  capital in developing  countries;  investments   may  not  increase even if consumption   increases.
  4. The principle ignores the possibility of importing goods and services from other  countries   to meet the increased consumption   without increasing investments
  5. The principle   ignores the restrictive policies used by the government   which   are aimed   at controlling    and regulating   the economy.   For example   use of restrictive    fiscal   and monetary policies.
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