Means/ways/methods and example by which animals avoid predation

Means/ways/methods and example by which animals avoid predation

  • Confusing the predator. For example, a covey (small flock of bird) of bobwhite suddenly emerging out of a roost startles a fox and a hawk so much that it is unable to single out one of the birds to pur­sue.
  • Snakes, bees, spiders and other organisms bite and inject deadly poisons into the predators
  • Poison dart frog, rough-skinned salamander and millipedes produce poisonous substances on their skins that scare away predators
  • Porcupines use spines to pierce and scare predators
  • Fast and zigzag running/flying is used by flying insects and rabbits to escape predators.
  • Some animals such as chameleon camouflage with environment to hide from predators
  • Animals like tortoise and snail hide themselves in hard shells.
  • Some animals resemble dangerous animals (mimicry) to scare away predator e.g. Coral snakes mimic venomous king snakes.
  • Some animals like bull snakes, ravens produce startling sound
  • Some are animals such opossums move at night to avoid predators
  • Use specialized caste for defense against the colony e.g. soldier ants.

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Dr. Bbosa Science

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