Measures that have been to promote development of private sector in Uganda

Measures that have been to promote development of private sector in Uganda

  • Development/ improvement of infrastructures
  • Provided affordable loans/credit facilities to investors.
  • Ensuring -political stability / improved the political climate.
  • Widened markets both local and foreign.
  • Ensured price stability I fought inflation / promoted forex rate stability,
  • Undertaken, privatization policy.
  • There has been liberalization of the economy.
  • Trained labor to develop relevant skills.
  • Offered   investment   incentives   e.g. tax holiday’s / relief, subsidies, etc.
  • Encouraged   technological   development / transfer.
  • Provided land for development / changed land tenure system.
  • Improved entrepreneurship skills.
  • Encouragement of proper accountability.
  • Enacted copy right and patent right laws
  • Undertook international campaigns and publicity.            .
  • Establishment of specialized institutions to promote investments.
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