Measures that reduce damage by pests on stored maize
- Proper Drying: Ensure maize is thoroughly dried before storage. Moisture content below 14% prevents mold and pest infestation1.
- Clean Storage Facilities: Clean and sanitize storage facilities and containers before storing new maize.
- Store resistant variety
- Chemical control: appropriate fumigants and insecticides should be used before storage
- Hermetic Storage: Use hermetic storage bags or containers that are airtight to prevent pests from accessing the maize. These containers also help maintain low moisture.
- Regular Monitoring: Regularly inspect stored maize for signs of pest infestation. Early detection can help in taking timely measures to prevent further infection.
- Biological Control: Utilize natural predators or biological agents that target specific pests.
- Timely Harvesting: Harvest maize at the right time to minimize the risk of pest infestation.
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TAGS Dr. Bbosa Science