Milking Procedure

Milking Procedure

  1. Assemble all milking equipment like buckets, cans and milking strainer in the parlor to avoid time wastage.
  2. The cow to be milked should be restrained while in the parlor by tying the hind legs                 with a milking rope.
  3. Wash the udder with warm water and soap and dry it using a hand towel.
  4. Milking salve should be smeared on the teats to reduce friction and injury to teats
  5. A strip cup should be used to test milk from each teat for mastitis
  6. Cows suspected of mastitis should be milked last and the milk poured away
  7. Follow the right milking technique of applying pressure to the outside of the teat while holding the it between the index finger and thumb.
  8. Weigh and record milk from each cow immediately after milking
  9. Milk should be filtered using a milking strainer before being put in the can for cooling to remove all dirt and any foreign material-like hair.
  10. All the milking equipment should be washed after milking and hanged upside down in the sun to dry.

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Dr. Bbosa Science

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