Outline the changes in cell structure, which lead to formation of mature vascular tissues in higher plants.

Outline the changes in cell structure, which lead to formation of mature vascular tissues in higher plants.

Outline the changes in cell structure, which lead to formation of mature vascular tissues in higher plants.

  • Vascular tissues in higher plants develop from vascular cambium.
  • Vascular cambium divides mitotically into three layers of cells. The inner layer eventually differentiates into secondary xylem and phloem. The middle layer remains meristematic.
  • After cambial division,


  • Cells destined to form xylem vessel elongate and develop thickened secondary wall. The walls are later lignified. The cell content dies and cross section walls degenerate to form continuous open tube.


  • Cells destined to become sieve elements elongate, most cell organelles degenerate leaving cytoplasmic filament. The plasmodesmata of the end wall widen forming sieve pores.

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