Outline the events which take place after fertilization
Outline the events which take place after fertilization
After fertilization
- The zygote divides mitotically, growing and developing into the embryo. The embryo consists of a radicle (young root) plumule (young shoot) and either on cotyledon or two cotyledons (seed leaves). The embryo is attached to the wall of the expanding embryo sac by a suspensor which acts as passage of food to the embryo.
- The primary endosperm nucleus (triploid) divides into a mass of nuclei which are separated from one another by thin cell walls. It becomes food storage for the seed.
- The ovule develops into the seed. The integuments of the ovule become the seed coats. The outer integument is called the Testa while the inner is called tegmen. Bothe of these layers are tough and protective.
- The ovary develops into a fruit.
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