Outline the flow of energy in the climax community

Outline the flow of energy in the climax community

The flow of energy in the climax community

  • Energy in form of light from the sun is used for photosynthesis to produce organic molecules.
  • The initial amount of energy fixed by ecosystem is called gross primary production (GPP) . part of this energy is used by the producers (plant) for respiration the remainder in form of organic matter is called the Net Primary production (NPP)
  • The energy flow in the climax community from one trophic level to another in unidirectional.
  • The energy is transferred in form of organic mater following feeding relationship among organisms that constitute food chain and food webs in a community
  • At each feeding level, there is considerable loss of energy in various ways such as respiration, death and decay and through excreta.

Thus the energy flow in decreasing quantities from producer (plant) to primary consumer (herbivores and finally to decomposer.


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