Policies (Measures) being used to reduce unemployment   in Uganda

Policies (Measures) being used to reduce unemployment   in Uganda

  1. Educational reforms. The education system is being revised to suit the man power requirements of the country.  More  emphasis   is being  put  on vocational  education   in  order  to make graduates  job  makers  instead  of job  seekers.  Science based subjects are also being emphasized   by the government.
  2. Economic diversification.  The   government    is diversifying    the   economy   in order   to reduce dependence   on one sector.  This  is being  done  by encouraging   the  growth  on   number   of sectors like  small  scale  industries,   fisheries,   tourism  etc.  in order  to increase   the  rate  of job  creation   in the economy.
  3. Control of population growth rate. Measures  are being taken to control population   growth   rate through family planning,   emphasizing   girl child education   etc.  This is aimed at ensuring   that the population      growth    rate    matches     the    rate    of    resource     exploitation      hence     controlling unemployment.
  4. Modernization and commercialization of agriculture. This is being done through the application of modem techniques  of production,   use of resistant crops and animals,   agricultural   research   etc. aimed at increasing production and reducing unemployment.
  5. Encouraging the use of appropriate technology.  Use of labour   intensive   technology    is being emphasized   so as to absorb the surplus labour and reduce on unemployment.
  6. Rural development and transformation. The government    is transforming    rural areas   through infrastructure development,   rural   electrification,    health, rural   water   and sanitation   etc.  This is aimed at increasing   economic   activities and employment   opportunities    in rural areas as a way of reducing rural urban migration.
  7. Political Stability.   The    government     is   promoting     political     stability    through    democratic governance   and the use of the amnesty   laws.   This  is helping   to create  a conducive   investment climate  both  for local and foreign  investors  hence  creating  more  employment   opportunities.
  8. Promoting investment.   The   government     is   attracting    foreign    investments     by   providing investment   incentives   to foreign investors   in form of tax holidays and tax exemptions.    This is helping to increase investment and creation of employment   opportunities   in various sectors of the economy.
  9. Infrastructural development. The government   is setting up and improving   on the infrastructure for example   construction   roads,   transport   and communication    facilities,   as well as banks   and educational   facilities in the country.  This is aimed at creating more employment   opportunities.
  10. Economic integration. This  is  aimed   at  expanding   the  market   for  goods   and  services   in  the economy  as a way of stimulating   investment   hence  creating  more  employment   opportunities.
  11. Privatization policy. The government    is expanding   the private   sector   as a way   of creating efficiency   in production   hence creating more employment   opportunities.
  12. Economic liberalization. The government    is removing   unnecessary    controls   from   economic activities   to allow private   individuals   to freely participate   in business   activities.   This helps to create more employment   opportunities   as many people are involved in trade.
  13. Advertising of the existing jobs. The government  is guiding jobs seekers on the availability    of jobs by advertising   them in mass media.   This is helping to reduce on frictional unemployment.
  14. Providing credit to the local investors. The government   is  providing   soft  loans  to  people   to enable  them  invest  and  create  employment    opportunities.    This is being done through   schemes like poverty eradication programs,   prosperity   for all funds etc.
  15. Control of inflation. The government  is controlling   inflation   by using   restrictive    fiscal   and monetary  policies.     This    has    encouraged     investment     hence    creating     more    employment opportunities.
  16. Land reforms. The government  is reforming    the land tenure   system   in order   to enable   the landless to have access and ownership   over land.  This  is being  done  by introducing   the  land  act which  stops  the eviction  of squatters  by landlords.
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