Policies (measures) to promote the private sector in Uganda

Policies (measures) to promote the private sector in Uganda

  1. Economic liberalization. There is need  for  the  government   to remove   unnecessary    restrictions from  economic   activities   to allow  people   involved   in  the  private   sector   to  carry  out  business freely  with limited  interference.
  2. Adopting favorable government policies. Such policies include providing economic   incentives like subsidization   of factor inputs and tax holidays to private investors.   This is aimed at reducing the production   costs hence promoting   the private sector.
  3. Providing credit facilities by the government. There is need for the government    to provide credit facilities to the people involved in the private sector at subsidized   interest rates.  This helps people involved to access capital and expand on their businesses.
  4. Construction and rehabilitation of basic social and economic infrastructure. This is in form of transport facilities,   electricity,   water facilities,   storage facilities etc. This is aimed at facilitating the production,   distribution   and marketing   of goods and services by the private sector.
  5. Establishment of organizations to promote private sector investment.   Organizations     like Private     Sector    Foundation     (PSF),     Uganda     Investment     Authority      (UIA)     and    Uganda Manufactures    Association    (UMA)   have been   set up to promote   the activities    of the private sector in the country.
  6. Training tile local manpower. This is aimed at equipping the local manpower with the requited entrepreneurial skills necessary for efficient management   and allocation   of resources.
  7. Protectionism in form of high import tariffs. There  is need  for  the  government   to  restrict  the importation   of those  products  produced  by  the  private  sector  by imposing   high  tariffs  on them. This helps to protect the local producers   in the private sector and reduce competition   from high quality imported products.
  8. Improvement in the level of technology. There  is need  for  the  government    to  encourage   and promote   the use of better  techniques   of production   which  are cost  effective   and are  in line with the  social  and  economic  requirements   of the  society.  This helps to increase   on the quantity   and quality of the products.
  9. Market expansion. There is need for the government   to expand market   for the sector through economic integration, market research, promoting trade exhibitions and encouraging economic diversification.
  10. 10. Privatization of inefficient parastatals.   There   is need   for the government    to privatize    the inefficient   parastatals to allow the private individuals   get involved   in economic      This enables the growth and development   of the private sector.
  11. Political stability. There is need for the government to ensure political   stability.   This helps to create   a favorable environment for the prosperity of the private sector.
  12. Increasing the exploitation of natural resources.  This is aimed   at obtaining   raw materials required   for production   of goods and services by the private sector.  For example exploitation   of oil products   in Bunyoro region.
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